Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hello, this is the second little maid here. I am back home now and so in honor of our precious fourth little made who picked up the slack for us I thought I would post some pictures of her! These pictures have been on their way to the blog for a while now but life seems to snowball at times! :D

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hello, this is the fourth little maid, here to post because my sisters (who, gallingly enough) named a blog after themselves which they now force me to upkeep. And, when nobody else is doing the work, well, then the least of us must pick up the slack.

So, here I am, being instated as an author.

My real purpose is to apologize for the negligence of my sisters, and to beg you, their bloggy followers, for forgiveness of their sins. They are many, I know, but for my sake (the cutest of them all), try with all that is within you to pardon their transgressions. After all, I have, and I'm the one suffering because of them! But hopefully, they will all be home soon from their travels, and can once again tend to their responsibilities at home, namely, this blog. Thank you.

P.S. Upon rereading this, I realize my fondness for commas. I know you won't care though, because too many commas are the signs of greatness in writing... at least, I think I've heard that. And, after all, that's what editors are for!