Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Beautiful Beth

This one is for you Mr. Roach! :)

Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice...

...that's what little girls are made of.

Tea Time

While in GA, Grandee took "the girls" (except for Aunt Flora who had to work :/) to a tea room. So now Beth and Alexandria have had their first tea room experience. It was so much fun to have a little sister along this time... it just keeps getting sweeter! :)

Becca, Anna, Sarah
Aunt Angie, Alexandria, Grandee, Mama, and Beth

Nothing is sweeter than having sisters for your friends! :)

Beth -- learning the fun of being a girl!

I think she likes it!

Start them while they are young... right?!

Taking time to smell the flower!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wow! Time sure does fly... whether you are having fun or not! :) Life has not slowed down in the least bit and it doesn't look too calm in the near future either. God is good and has given us many "fun" blessings as we go through life striving to serve our King. One of the fun blessings is He allowed all of us to go to Georgia to visit Dad's side of the family. It was quite the interesting trip getting all of us down there and then back home again but once again, God was good. Of course when we are there our time is filled with visiting all the uncles, aunts, cousins and staying with Pop-Pop and Grandee! I'll try and pick a few pictures to highlight the trip (I tend to have a problem with taking too many pictures :).

Beth and Alexandria fell in love with each other at first sight! :)

Beth meets Uncle Carl!

The littlest cousins playing together.

Little girls...

Pop-Pop and the boys built a burn pile that we enjoyed roasting marshmallows over. :D

Mom and Aunt Angie enjoying a talk.

More roasting...

Beth's first marshmallow roased over a fire.

She seemed to enjoy it! :)

David and Josiah reading in Pop-Pop's lap.

Ezra getting a "drink". :P

I think you would call them friends.

Uncle Dar getting in on the Loony Tunes watching. :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

He's 17!

We are still here... and we have lots to post! :) Fist things first though. In our blog world absence there was a birthday in our home. Someone who is now lots taller than me, who fixes all our computer (or any other electronic device) problems, and is a very handy man to have around turned 17 in April. It has been such a blessing to watch him growing into a man. Our prayer is that he will be a humble mighty man of God. We love you lots, little-big-brother! :D

We celebrated in GA too but I couldn't find the picture of that right off.