Monday, September 29, 2008


The past couple of weekends God has given us special time with sweet friends. The Chapa family came up and spent a couple days with us (it all went by too fast =). We had so much fun sitting around talking, playing games, picking berries (the boys went on that adventure), and just spending time together! They are such a blessing to our family and we thank the Lord for bringing our families together. =) Unfortunately, I did not get pictures while they were here but trust me, we made lots of memories! =D

And just last weekend another sweet family joined us at that Berry Patch Farms and then came and had lunch with us. I did however get pictures of the time we spent with the McKinney's so I thought I would post a few! Once again, we thank the Lord for giving us such special friends to fellowship with! =)

A juicy red ripe strawberry

In the strawberry field.

Ben, Becca and Anna

Mr. McKinney and Dad picking raspberries. Beth going along for the ride and taking a snooze! :)

We couldn't let the day go by without getting a girl picture (Beth was sleeping)!


Anonymous said...

Nice haircut Ben.

Mmm… strawberries. Reminds me of a of a stupid song Chad and I made up. Speaking of strawberries, we're going to be planting some in our backyard. :-D

Unknown said...

That was a lot of fun! Thanks for inviting us. Your family is a true blessing to us.


Kristin M said...

Great pictures... Looks like fun.

Anonymous said...

those are the best berries I've ever had! Thanks for taking us! :)


Unknown said...

Wow! Looking through older photos and I found these.. it's amazing how much we have changed in not even a year!

Your family is such a blessing to ours!