Sunday, October 12, 2008

Baby Beth is 5 months!

It's hard to believe it but Beth is already five months old. She can now almost sit by herself and is making all sorts of girly sounds! :) I'm afraid she is slightly spoiled but we try to limit how many times we say the word cute! ;) She is a pure joy and we all love playing with her and watching her discover the exciting things in life.


Unknown said...

How adorable!!

Fruitful Vine Lady said...

Please tell Baby Beff to stop growing so fast. She is definitely a Storrie. And very cute of course. (non-family can use that word, right?)
FV Lady

Anonymous said...

Of COURSE non-family can use that word. The more the merrier!

Unknown said...

Very pretty in pink!
She is so sweet and smiley. :) "Blessing she is, God made her so..."

Anonymous said...


Kristin M said...

Cute!! (Thanks Becca..)


Anonymous said...

Aww! She is SO SO SO cute! And I can't believe she is 5 months already... seems like we just found out your mom was pregnant!