Saturday, December 6, 2008

So sorry for the lack of posts. We do have several events to post about but first things first. Noah's carefree days are over and has entered the world of double digits! :)

They're like banana's...they are always in a bunch!


Fruitful Vine Lady said...

Happy Birthday, Noah! Wow! Double digits. That is such a fun milestone to pass. I'm lovin' the bananas comment. Too funny. Now, you just need to find a monkey to eat them up. I imagine they might enjoy that. LOL
Mrs. Chapa

Unknown said...

I meant to tell you Happy Birthday yesterday Noah!! Love the cake... Ice cream and root beer... yum!

Love the picture as well and agreed with Mrs. Chapa.


p.s. - Yesterday David told me that Noah was going to grow antlers... Is that true Noah? lol

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun Noah!
Happy *belated* Birthday!
