Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

May God bless you with many more birthdays!

A Day Without Chocolate...

...Is a Day Without

But this was not just any birthday--this was a
gluten-free birthday. And everyone know what kind of challenges this poses to the Proper Celebrations and Festivities of Birthday. It makes a cake nearly impossible, at least one that can be consumed by the masses, because some of us are downright picky. Most notably, Yours Truly.

Most of the time, conversations at our house go something like this:

Miss GF: Oh, you should try this! It almost tastes like real _! (fill in the blank; cake, bread, etc.) Moi: (With a smile that might be a grimace) You're right! Almost!
And, you make a run for some water to wash that fine, gritty layer of rice flour from your mouth.

Therefore, we compromise, with a flourless cake.
Please don't ask for the science of it, but it works. Does it EVER work. It is wonderful delightful chocolate-y-ness. It is richness. It is...amazing. And no, you may not have the recipe. You'll have to come visit. :)

And as we all know, if you want 'em to turn out right...

You've got to start them young!


jerryc said...

Happy Birthday mrs. storrie!

flourless cake....hmmm-

I like to try that.....once


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mrs. Storrie!

Unknown said...

Oh yum!! Happy Birthday Mrs. Storrie!

Lookin' forward to having ya'll down this Sunday!

Reed said...

Happy birthday!!
by the way you said if I want the recipe I'll have to visit.

Sisters 4 said...

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Storrie!

Becca, I'll give you two cents if you give me the recipe... Pwease... :)


Rebecca said...

Of course you can have the recipe, Bekah. And don't worry about the two asked too nice. :)
Here is the link to it:

But of course, if any of you really want to come visit, that would be lovely too...

Reed said...

A day without chocolate is a day without SUNSHINE!
Boy that was easy.