Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thinking along the right lines...

Little brothers can always keep you laughing even if they are not trying! The other night Josiah (who has quite the personality) came home from a gathering where there were "snacks". Not too long after we were home and he was getting ready for bed he told Mom that his tummy wasn't feeling very good. Of course Mom's first response was..."Did you eat too many sweets tonight?"...and, like I said, he was not trying to be funny but his response was..."No, all I had was a brownie, a piece of cake, and two peanut butter cookies." Needless to say, some of the bigger people around here thought it funny that in his mind "all" was not very much (all the while trying not to let him know, of course). A few minutes later he came to Mom with his solution for the problem and that was..."Sarah told me to eat one carrot and I should have eaten more vegetables." For some reason the fact that he shouldn't have had that much sweet stuff at one time never occurred to him and so his way to fix the problem was to eat more veggies. More would probably be compromised of two carrots. :)


Anonymous said...

LOL...that's funny!

Unknown said...

That's great! :)