Monday, June 29, 2009

And Now for the Introductions...

But oh wait. That's what profiles are for. So we'll skip the all of the "hi-how-are-yous" and beg your forgiveness for being such tardy, backwards, awful (I could go on) bloggers for almost a whole month. Yet there are reasons. Very, very good reasons. And here are a few-- A homeschool conference (which was wonderful), a tea party (which was lovely), the laundry, and a social life (we do have one of those, don't you know?), home improvement projects, lawn work and trying to kill a garden. Oh, and not to mention cutting an electric cord. AGAIN! That was my special job today, and I did it oh so well. The cord doesn't work in the slightest little bit, and yes, one of the bushes is only half trimmed. But hey, at least this year, it's the one in the back yard.

And so, all that to say, we haven't taken very many pictures to show you. Nor have we written any profound thoughts to share with you. Such bloggerly duties have been completely ignored, but no longer! For here, for your enjoyment, are pictures of something. But I don't know exactly what, because that is Sarah's job. So she shall have to explain the photos, while I do the grievous job of explaining our absence. Thank you for your patience, love and support. (sniffle, sniffle) We wouldn't be here without you, (sob) our faithful and longsuffering reader. (chokedly) Thank you.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha Becca.. the conclusion is starting to sound like me? All dramatized... Just kidding!

Love you!